Things you never knew your iPhone could do

 When Steve Jobs presented the great iPhone, he uttered the following words,
“An iPod, a phone, an internet mobile communicator… these are not three separate device! And we are calling it iPhone! Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone. And here it is.”
Well I wonder how Steve Jobs could forget the legendary camera, huh. Anyway, little do we know there is a lot more to iPhone, other than its remarkable features and looks. There are a number of things your iPhone can do that you don’t know. Your iPhone is that one companion who is almost your right hand, who is always by your side.
Sure there is plenty your trustworthy iPhone can do, even if you have not upgraded to the shiny iPhone7 in Pakistan yet. It can help you find your way home, settle debates, make a few odd calls on its own and what not. Keeping it aside there are dozens of hidden features your iPhone possess that you are probably not aware of.

These are some of the things your iPhone can be, gear up yourself for the biggest hacks in your life!

Secret Tool Box

You probably have a ‘crap I can’t delete’ folder in your phone, right? Delete that now because you are no more needing it in your iPhone. With a lot of things you do on your mobile online, your iPhone has a compass app, swipe left in the app to begin that magic, it brings up a digital bubble gauge that can check if the shelf is leveled. (Mind Blown) 

Capture Photos with Earphone chord

You are almost done with the hassle of quick photos that turn out to be shaky as blur lens photographs, right? Well no more of that struggle. Your iPhone can help you click photos through volume buttons on your earphones. Just plug in the earphones and take fine photographs in one go. (Yay)

Generate Random Passwords

Huh, too brain dead to generate a secure password for your online account? Sit back and cheers, Siri has sorted that out for you. In your iPhone’s Siri app you can generate random passwords also. Activate Siri and say “random password” and you’ll be provided with an 8-character alphanumeric password from Siri. (‘Thank you dear friend’ right in the feels)   

Filters Phone calls, Messages

Tired of your all the time ringing phone in the meeting and some random people in your life? The ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature allows you to silent calls, alerts and notifications when your iPhone is locked. However there are some such calls that you can’t afford to miss. To attend those calls even in ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode you can active calls for the family or work group during that mode. This feature also helps in your online retail therapy, imagine sitting back in a ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode and do online shopping. (Sigh of relief)

Switch Panorama Directions

Shoot your Panorama the way you want, tap the arrow to switch the shooting direction so you can take the panorama picture in your desired direction.

Charge your Phone Faster

Don’t have enough hours to wait for your phone to charge? Worry not. Speed up the charging by turning on the flight safe mode in your phone. It knocks out all the data using and searching apps running in the backdrop and enables you to charge your phone real quick.


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