Gaming Guide 101: The Best Xbox 360 Games

Gamers don’t fear the apocalypse; we have seen it many times before.
Back in time when there wasn’t much to kill to time for, there were games like scrabble and monopoly that used to be called as the genius games of the time. But today in this era of technology we have ‘video games’. Gaming is just not gaming, it is a complete industry, a lifestyle. A gamer can make more money than a geek. This is why they call themselves ‘players’.
We understand the struggle you faced to buy that one lord ‘Xbox 360’ (look out for the best Xbox 360 prices in Pakistan here) and now you want to go on a hibernation mode with it (read gaming mode). Here is a complete guide to the most mind-blowing Xbox 360 games of all the time that you need to get your hands on now!


Baynoetta is one super amazing game that belongs to a strange niche. It’s a game with a nonsensical plot, it’s not likely to have those surprising twists and heartfelt character moments. This one is all about batshit enemy designs, silly as hell Sega arcade riffs and most of all, the chic badass attitude of Bayonetta.
One thing that can slightly make you uncomfortable about this game is the hyper sexuality of the heroin, which is not the kind of trait that would turn on someone. She thrives in interactivity and represents everything that video games should represent.

Red Dead Redemption

Since the shotgun-style “satire” of Rockstar Grand Theft series is frequently hampered, so the release of Red Dead Redemption was a surprise and excitement for us. The world that is treated with respect and gravity was a great deal for gamers. This game is about something other than just the shooting. The romanticizing notation of cowboy player is all about what you could become after the shooting is over.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The soulful theme which welcomes you the glorious world of Skyrim, the divine chorus makes you stay and stare at the screen for a slightly long while before you press the start button. As soon as you begin it, your ears get to hear the roars of dragons, clashing steel and a million gulps as you stand in the middle of a tense battle. Like it or not it’s one of the best Xbox 360 games, the sound of Skyrim will always be going to stay in the back of your brain, reminding you of your dragon world adventures.

Red Faction: Guerilla

Everything got bigger and better when you moved from Xbox one to Xbox 360, but nothing can beat the destructibility that comes with Red Faction: guerilla. It is ultimately satisfying to shot the tower one leg down and watch the factory burn with a chain reaction in one go.
It has the best multiplayer feature which equips you in a way no other game has ever had. The cleaver objective modes make it more thrilling and destructible. It has its own amazing personified anarchy.


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