The VR Gear of Samsung Art Online

Did you feel the shivers too when you got to know about Samsung’s Virtual Reality Gear? Were you able to calm the craving of your five senses down which have been longing to be a part of the ultimate Nerve Gear?  I guess, Samsung heard us loud and clear on this one and blessed us with an actual VR gear, the biggest treat for us that came along with the release of Samsung Note8.

For the SAO fandom, 2022 has arrived a little earlier. Samsung sure turned the fantasy of the fandom into a fully-fledged reality; and not just a mere reality, but our very favorite; the virtual reality! Though, the thrilling idea had been adapted multiple times before as well but now that Samsung decided to take charge of it, things just had to become a whole lot better.

Every otaku shares a mutual feeling with each other which is: not being able to feel satisfied by the actual realities of the real world. We are always looking for something better and more perfect than the actuality and we eventually, find our satisfaction in the virtual world.

Anything out of our reach seems to inspire us more than the resources we already have in reach. So, we keep trying to somehow turn our world to look slightly like the one we aspire to be in. But the dream went wrong even in the anime itself and was turned into the worst nightmare of a human; not being able to return where you belong.But since Samsung’s Note7, they have noticeably prioritized the safety of their customers and in the samsung gear VR world; you’re not going anywhere but to places from where you can always choose to come back.

For some people, gaming is meaningless without desktop computers but it was about time someone took a step into the further inventory world. Just when you think there’s nothing more that can be better than a certain gadget, there comes a new invention that outweighs the older inventions.

The digital world doesn’t stop for anyone. Today, VR gears are apparently marking their benches; tomorrow something beyond Virtual Reality could be on its way to fascinate us.

Just like mobile phones in Pakistan are maintaining their own era at the moment, Samsung Note8 has come up with a great twist by launching such interesting additional gears for your exceptional experience of the phone.

There have been multiple tests on making the nerve gear a complete because it, obviously, is something of the 2022 but looking at the pace technology is progressing, chances are high that we might even get to actually use all our 5 senses during our virtual reality experience.

In SAO, the fictional characters couldn’t have survived so many years without being able to smell, sense, taste and properly be able to compose the environment of the Virtual world. In order to clarify that, the nerve gear was designed in the most unusual and fascinating way.

In Sword Art Online, the players were actually asleep in the real in order to stay properly conscious in the virtual world. This particular aspect hasn’t been tested upon with much consideration due to safety issues but it did imply on one major thing; it was comfort.

If they couldn’t risk your consciousness then they answered it by making the gear extra comfortable so that you don’t get to face any distraction or discomfort during your VR experience.

It’s better if we begin to distinguish the limit between beneficial and fatal well enough because before we take more steps towards perfection, we need to make sure we’re following perusing perfection and not some miscalculated wildness. 

But in the end, we all wish to discover the super cool Kiritos to our Kirigayas and satisfy our fantasy.


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