
Showing posts from September, 2017

The VR Gear of Samsung Art Online

Did you feel the shivers too when you got to know about Samsung’s Virtual Reality Gear? Were you able to calm the craving of your five senses down which have been longing to be a part of the ultimate Nerve Gear?  I guess, Samsung heard us loud and clear on this one and blessed us with an actual VR gear, the biggest treat for us that came along with the release of Samsung Note8. For the SAO fandom, 2022 has arrived a little earlier. Samsung sure turned the fantasy of the fandom into a fully-fledged reality; and not just a mere reality, but our very favorite; the virtual reality! Though, the thrilling idea had been adapted multiple times before as well but now that Samsung decided to take charge of it, things just had to become a whole lot better. Every otaku shares a mutual feeling with each other which is: not being able to feel satisfied by the actual realities of the real world. We are always looking for something better and more perfect tha...

4 best DIY-able Nail Arts

These days, painting your nails with a single color that matches your outfit isn’t enough if you are a person who stay up the mark. Coloring your nail was a part of  beauty makeover but now it has become an art. Nobody has ever wondered that a thing as small as nail would be used as a canvas, seriously yes, your nails are no less than a canvas as you can make art on them for real. But, transforming your nails to a work of art is not everyone’s cup of tea. To help you combat the battle, here are 4 best ever creative nail art that are absolutely DIY-able. Splatter Nails Looking to pull off some artistic cool nail art but you don’t trust your fine skills? There is an easy fun nail art which is your ultimate time and hassle saver. This one doesn’t require any proper nail art tools or anything to create this on your fingertips. All you need to create these splatter nails is your favorite vibrant nail paints and some straws. Apply a base coat and put a blob of anoth...

4 Whys That Should Be Answered Before Buying LED TV

Led Television –Think Once? Is it already the time of year to buy a new Led? Ok then why not look after some pros and cons of buying Led. Let’s buy something out of the box new and modern Led for your room wall. So when you came back home early or it’s a weekend, you can turn your Led TV for lots and lots of entertainment. Do you know all LED flat panel television TV screen was developed by J. P. Mitchell. It is a flat panel display which uses LED backlight instead of cold cathode florescent (CCFL) used by other LCDs. Led uses a light emitting diodes a source of light behind screens. Well Led is more efficient than LCD and it is thinner in its own ways. How about to buy LED TV online, one must open eyes to review the ratings and comments of other 100 buyers. It is much more comfortable to sit at home and browse products of your own choice. According to common market research online shopping sites in Pakistan is much more convenient and cheaper. You and your televi...